Taum Sauk / PSC
I haven't had a lot of time to follow the PSC inquiry, but from what I have read I haven't seen any new information.
Archive of posts made between December 25, 2005 and December 14, 2008 about the Taum Sauk Reservoir failure and the damage to the Shut-Ins and the Black River. This blog was posted by Lee Ferber of Peola Valley Pottery in Lesterville. The pottery was closed in 2007.
I haven't had a lot of time to follow the PSC inquiry, but from what I have read I haven't seen any new information.
According to this article there is actually politics involved in the Taum Sauk event.
Ameren has posted a number of photos of people at the Shut-Ins. They also have posted photos of some of the projects that were funded with the FERC fine money. I can tell you that a lot of people are working at the Lesterville school on the new $900,000 roof.
The Springfield News-Leader has an article about the Shut-Ins. If you click on the graphic link there is a map. I love the fact that the map still shows the Upper Reservoir full of water. I don't love the fact that the map does not show Lesterville.
The Springfield paper had an article today about total taxable sales by ZIP code . I had never thought about checking this out. I checked the records for Iron and Reynolds county on the Department of Revenue web site. What surprised me is that when you compare the first quarter, when there are no tourists here with the third quarter when we seem to be covered up that there was not that great an increase in taxable sales. For Iron county the increase was $2,226,000 and for Reynolds county the difference was $2,697,000. I sure would have thought that all the folks visiting here would have left more money on the counter. Wonder if everyone is collecting sales taxes?
My son called to tell me there was a half page ad about the Shut-Ins being open in the Springfield News-Leader. I assume that this ad might be in the St Louis and Kansas City papers as well, I don't get the Post anymore as it always arrived a day late. However, apparently the ad refers to www.experienceblackriver.com , the site that Ameren owns and paid for last year. If you go to this site you will see that there isn't any current information. Wish just once that everything could work together, why pay for expensive advertising and then not follow it up with an up to date web site?
I received the following by email today.
Here is an article about the latest salvo on the rebuild. I'm so busy trying to keep pots on the shelf that I haven't had time to check the FERC web site to read the posted documents.
Those of you that are regular readers of these posts will remember my attempt to get broadband for Lesterville during the $5 million fine process. Well Lesterville now has DSL. However, I don't have it here in Peola Valley because I'm too far from the switch, in fact most people that have a 637 phone number will not be able to get this service, but those in Lesterville proper (remember it's not a real town, so there aren't any boundries) have the service. But since the old potter is moving to Springfield in October I'll have cable broadband at that time. Small victories.