Thursday, July 05, 2007


Those of you that are regular readers of these posts will remember my attempt to get broadband for Lesterville during the $5 million fine process. Well Lesterville now has DSL. However, I don't have it here in Peola Valley because I'm too far from the switch, in fact most people that have a 637 phone number will not be able to get this service, but those in Lesterville proper (remember it's not a real town, so there aren't any boundries) have the service. But since the old potter is moving to Springfield in October I'll have cable broadband at that time. Small victories.


At 12:33 PM, Blogger higgybear said...

I heard that AT&T was going to try to get service into remote areas that didn't have broadband and offer a really cheap price of about $10. The speed would not be that offered in the big cities, but it would be much better than dial up. Hopefully, eventually it will reach farther.


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