After a long dry summer we had 4" of rain on Thursday. Don't know how many of the plants it will help, but it was good to see it raining.
The Mt. Echo (Ironton newspaper) had an article about Taum Sauk. Seems that a number of new students have been enrolled at the Arcadia Valley schools. The parents of those students are employed by Ameren or one of their contractors. I talked to someone that drives on Highway AA (the road to the Taum Sauk plant) each day to get to work and they said that it was common to see 40 trucks heading towards the plant. But Ameren says it still has not decided whether to rebuild the reservoir. What do you think?
98 million dollars a bet the company is rebuilding.
Thanks for this blog.
I live in K.C., but my son went to St. Loo back in the summer, he likes the zoo. Anyway, he said there was alot of talk of shortages of electricity during the hot parts of the day, anyone heard anything about this, or just rumors.
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