Monday, August 13, 2007

Shut-Ins/Taum Sauk

I spent the weekend moving more stuff to Springfield so I'm just getting back online and just found these two links.

Taum Sauk


This week is the last week of the full summer season. With so many schools starting early most of the lodges and campgrounds will be empty next week. The temps have been terrible and this week looks like another hot one. Last Thursday it got to 109 in Peola Valley and we have not had any real rain since late June.


At 9:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is the P-D link to the AP story, which differs from the one under the Forbes link, in that it reports that one of the persons under testimony said they contacted the onsite superintendent at Taum Sauk of the problem.

Now, to this point, AmerenUE has said that the plant was being run from Osage Beach and NO ONE was onsite.

These are two mutually exclusive assertions. Hmmmm.

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think by "onsite superintendent" they mean that he lived "onsite". They don't mean he was at the plant. They probably woke him up at his house.



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