Thursday, March 29, 2007

Lost Month

Remember in February when we were told that there was little time for discussion because the panel had to make its decision so Ameren could send the requests to FERC by Feb 28. So on Feb 28th Ameren did post the panels recommendations and the panel letter on the Ameren web site. Then Ameren said they would receive public comment until March 12. So what has happened since Feb 28, well I don't know. Last night I talked to the head of an organization that the panel recommended receive some of the funding. He said that not only did he not know anything about the status of the panels recommendations, but that he had never received a call or letter from Ameren about his status. He only knew that his organizations name was on the Ameren web site as one of the panels recommendations. I also heard last night that the Attorney General's office sent a letter to FERC requesting that FERC extend the December 31 deadline for completion of the projects.

So here is what I don't know.

Has Ameren sent the panels recommendations to FERC?

Did Ameren receive any public comment and are those comments going to be on the public record?

Is FERC going to make a quick decision about funding as required in the agreement?

Here is what I do know.

The usual suspects are still yelling in Jefferson City.


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