Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tee Shirt Day!

For the first day of spring today is really great. Temps in the upper 70's and lots of sunshine. I had to go to the Post Office after lunch and I saw a couple of cars pulled into Riveredge and folks just sitting on the beach. Some of the flowering trees are starting to bloom and there is a little touch of green in the forest. Best time of the year.

There was a photo in todays Mt. Echo of work going on at the Shut-Ins. Looked like lots of heavy equipment working where the boulder field was last summer. So I went to the DNR site to see if they had updated any of the information or posted any new photos. The short answer is no, the information is what was posted last spring for the summer of 2006. Wish Mr. Childers would be more interested in the PR game with the public that uses the park, instead of getting all the headlines with his dispute with AG Nixon. But what do you expect.


At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew about the boulder field removal-- it's another way some people want to deny that anything ever happened to the park, instead of
using what happened and its natural recovery as a teaching tool.

The logic is no one (except people into natural history) would be interested in rocks. They would be more interested in grass.

At 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Suggest people go to the FERC page as Lee said and read the comments from the Mo Parks Assn. to the FERC.

The people (aka non-office holders) are being swept aside on this one.

I'm so disgusted I'm voting for whomever the Libertarians or Greens run for governor next time. Anyone but Blunt or Nixon.


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