Sunday, July 30, 2006

Party on the River

For those of you that don't get the St Louis Post-Dispatch here is a link to an article about booze and behavior on Missouri's rivers. If the local businesses thought the Taum Sauk event was bad, what would happen if beer was banned from the river. Of course, this is Missouri, so no fear of that ever happening.


At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they need to look at the campgrounds like the Huzzah Valley Resort and others that have areas in their campgrounds that have no quiet hours. We stopped going to the Huzzah because of the "zoo" area which is basically an all night free for all. Even if you camped in another area you would have to canoe past in and subject your self to the vulgar language and people yelling "show us your " ".

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally we go to Huzzah 4 or 5 times a year. We know what it is like. We don't stay on the zoo side, because we like to sleep. We always have a good time while we are there. Quite a few of us go together. If they banned beer on the river we would stop going, and I know quite a few other people that wouldn't go anymore either. If people don't like what goes on then they should stay home or find somewhere else to go. If beer was banned then that river would be empty, and you would probably put a few places out of business.


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