Friday, June 16, 2006

What's the Real Story?

I'm sure that many of you that read this blog don't check out the comments. Here is a recent one.

I guess I'm confused. I called a lady who runs canoes and cabins near Lesterville last night. She says the river is murky green and the rocks are all slimey. She told me it would probably be years before the river recovered. What's the real story?

If any of you have already been to Lesterville and would like to leave a personal comment about how you found the water and your experience while here I think it would help. I haven't heard a single complaint about the river from my customers, but I don't see everyone. My feeling is that whoever this person called, they are still waiting for a check from Ameren or priming the pump for a law suit.

Someone today told me that most local businesses are not mad at Ameren, they are upset with the media coverage. I do think it interesting that there has not been any follow-up stories on life in Lesterville after Memorial Day. And I wish the media would work a little harder to find other business owners to interview. If all you do is interview people within 500 feet of the East Fork bridge you are going to get a similar story, and the East Fork still looks bad, but no one floats the East Fork. Just come one mile down Peola Road and look at all the activity below the new bridge.


At 7:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a member of a group of more than 50 people who have been going to BRL on Memorial Day for more than 35 years, this year was no exception. It is our tradition to spend both Saturday and Sunday afternoon in the river. Some of our group floated (tubes), many of us just put our lawn chairs on a gravel bar in the shallows just below the bridge and hung out. The water was nearly as clear as usual, there was no "ick" factor at all. The school age children seemed to find an abundance of wildlife in the river. I never saw an identifable piece of debris from the breach. From the bridge above you could definitely see to the bottom in areas that were probably 4 feet deep or less, in the deeper areas it was slightly murky and appeared a little green. The tubers reported no difficulties or unusual conditions whatsoever, and I heard no complaints from the fishermen in our group. During those two afternoons we watched thousands of canoers, rafters and tubers float by, I could not see a difference in numbers of people enjoying the river from years past. Ignore the media, they've definitely done a one-sided job of reporting on river conditions, at least in the vicinity of BRL.

At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds NORMAL to me!!!
Only two more weeks to go..BRL here we come!!!!!

At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only difference I could see when we were down there was the number of people camping. I have never seen the campground at TRL so empty. I would say it was only half full. I am hoping it was because it was Father's Day weekend. The river was clean and clear. No complaints from our group.

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were down last week Sun AM to Thu AM at BRL. The river was beautiful as usual. Most people will not notice any change in the Black River, at least at BLR and Wilderness. We floated every afternoon saw fish, turtles, snakes, the usual. Just another four days in paradise!
Thanks Lee!
Troy Steffenson

At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My family camped at Twin Rivers Landing July 7, 8, 9, and left on the 10th. I also visited TWL on May 27. Both times I didn't see less seems I saw more people than usual!! But we have been coming to TWL and floating Black River for about 7 years and I don't think it's quite as clear as it was. Sorry. I don't want to be negative. But it's still relatively clear. Keep in mind we did not float this past weekend, just hung out at the TWL beach. In the deeper areas at TWL (about 4 or 5 feet) I could not see the bottom or the fish clearly like I used to see. Like I said it's still pretty clear, but I love to snorkel and I can tell a difference. My husband says he couldn't tell a difference, but he's not the swimmer I am. Anyhow, it won't keep us from going back. We love Black River. What will keep us from coming back on the weekends is the hoards of people!! We'll stick to Sundays or weekdays from know on.

At 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't mean TWL...I meant TRL. My goofy mistake. I should have proof read my post.


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