Thursday, June 15, 2006

Clean River

I saw an article in the Springfield newspaper this morning about a group that helps clean up the Missouri River. I bring this up because of all the talk about the Black River since December. Twenty years ago, Wilderness and Riversedge would head up a group of local businesses and have a river clean up day. They would provide free canoes and the county road department would provide dump trucks at key spots to take the trash. At the end of the day there was a Bar-B-Q at Riversedge with free food and drinks for all that helped clean the river. This type of activity has not happened on the Black in a number of years. I see people from BRL and Wilderness out for their after meal walk on Peola Road with trash that they pick up, and I hope that those of you that tube from BRL to Wilderness grab the occasional trash that you find in the river. Maybe those businesses that howled the loudest about the Taum Sauk breach should work to start a river clean day again. Just an idea.


At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there no Clean Stream Team organized to clean up the Black River as there are on other rivers in MO?

At 7:32 AM, Blogger staff said...

Thanks for the info Glee. When you spend all day looking for another piece of clay its hard to keep abreast of all the other things going on in the area.


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