Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Missouri's Area 51

Ever seen those shows on the Discovery Channel about people trying to figure out what is happening at Area 51. Well that is the way I feel about the Upper Reservoir. Yesterday as I headed to Farmington I passed a truck carrying a generator that filled the entire trailer. It turned on Highway A toward the Taum Sauk plant. At the intersection of Highway A and Highway 21 there have been two flagmen posted for over a month to make it easier for trucks to make the turn. I don't have the time to sit there and see how many trucks go to the plant each day, but I wonder what they might be carrying and what is actually happening on top of Proffitt Mountain.

So Ameren, how about a report with photos.


At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time I come down, I'm taking my binoculars up the fire tower at Taum Sauk State Park and have a look see


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