Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Letter From FERC

The following quotes are from a letter FERC sent to Ameren about a future Emergency Action Plan.

1. In addition to the Sunny day failure case for both dams and the probable
maximum flood (PMF) failure case for the Lower Reservoir, you should include an
overtopping non-failure case for the Upper Reservoir's emergency spillway. The purpose
of this case is to clearly show the flow path to the lower reservoir and to highlight what
actions are needed to warn any recreationists in the area.

5. In addition to revised inundation maps, the EAP should include enhanced
features to ensure people in close proximity to the dam can be notified and evacuated in a
timely manner. These measures must be coordinated with pertinent local and State
emergency management officials. The EAP should include a discussion on what steps can
be taken to educate residents, campers, and recreationists of their proximity to the dam
(e.g., brochures/fliers handed out to guests, signs, etc.), how they will be warned of an
emergency and where they should go during an emergency.

Nothing like this existed in the past, although there was a map somewhere that showed how high the water would get if the Lower Dam failed, but no one ever made sure that the locals saw the map. There was no talk last week during the discussion about the EAP on a system to notify the local residents or campers. You would think that some sort of siren would be inorder, since the phone system clearly can't handle a mass calling. Maybe Ameren should buy everyone a NOAA weather radio that is programmed to give a warning for this type of event. Its interesting that the tower used for the local NOAA weather transmitter is on the Electric COOP tower, not Ameren's Taum Sauk tower.

For security and business reasons, both Twin Rivers and Riversedge have only one road out of their campgrounds and there is no way you could evacuate these on a busy weekend. At least at Riversedge you might have a chance of getting to higher ground at Wilderness Lodge, but at Twin Rivers the exit is along the East Fork.

Finally, I can't wait till the "recreationists" return to Lesterville and start buying my pottey again. Wonder how many "recreationists" Washington, D. C. gets.


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