Friday, February 09, 2007


Ameren has printed a slick new brochure titled One Year Later. I assume that it will be available at next Tuesdays meeting about the rebuild.


At 7:03 PM, Blogger Cavefish said...

Huh? Millstream Gardens/Tiemann Shut-Ins and Silver Mines are on the St. Francis River, not the Black. And Silver Mines (USFS) is CLOSED to vehicular traffic from Halloween to mid-March..see their website. This is a royal pain, since this is the time when you can actually see the rocks.

At 8:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that is closed at Silvermines is the road that leads to the Campground and the picnic area upstream by Turkey Creek. The riverside trail and area by the low water bridge is always open.

Millstream Gardens is always open.

At 2:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The road in to the low water bridge near the trail to the mine were closed the last time I was there.

The point cavefish made was that neither of these areas are on the Black River.


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