Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What Park?

I just visited the Shut-Ins web site for the first time in a couple of months. Not only no news, but the site is still talking about 2006. I have explained my frustration in the past about how State Parks doesn't seen to understand the power of their web sites. If you have a web site that is visited by a large number of people it's like owning a newspaper or TV station. DNR should take the opportunity to explain what it is trying to do and what it wants to do but can't because of all the unresolved issues. I understand that Ameren wants to be careful what it posts on the Taum Sauk update site, but I wouldn't think that DNR would need to be any more careful than I am when it come to explaining it's position to the public that owns the parks.


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They likely cannot post anything due to the current on again off again relationship between the AG and the department.


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