Thursday, December 14, 2006


I just read the DNR press release about their (Childers) feelings about the Nixon law suit. I still can't find any information about the role of the AG's office in the "project enhancement" process, except at a collector of the recommendations. If anyone has any other information please email it to me. Anyway, what I was struck by was that last spring when there was great frustration in Lesterville with the lack of progress in cleaning up the river, the DNR spokesmen kept saying that they were representing the interest of Lesterville. That may be true, but DNR never designated a single person that local individuals could contact with a problem or idea and know that they would get some action or at least an answer. So the fact that the AG's office sent two assistant AG's to Reynolds County to hear from the local officials and tried to get a process started that didn't seem to have any direction is commendable. There are still a lot of local businesses that are iratated that they were not invited to the meeting in Centerville, but for that I blame the county officials. I think they did not want the compitition. Ameren has known about the "project enhancements" requirements since late August, and everyone else has known about this since October 2, so some one could have come forward earlier than early December to try and get this process started. But now it seems to be open, operating, and I hope eventually transparent.


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