Business Suit
Here is a brief news article.
Ten businesses filed a lawsuit Friday against the AmerenUE utility for what they called "devastating financial losses" after a reservoir collapse last year. The amount of damages being sought was not released.
The lawsuit, filed in Reynolds County Circuit Court, came a year and a day after the Taum Sauk reservoir collapsed at the hydroelectric plant, releasing more than a billion gallons of water, significantly damaging Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park and the water quality of the Black River, a popular tourist destinations in the Arcadia Valley.
The businesses said they relied on park and river-related tourism for their revenue.
It didn't take much searching to find the names of the businesses. Barney's Bait, Baldwin Bros. Hardware, Kozy Korner Cafe, Glory Days Emporium, Yankee Trading Post, Grant's Inn, The Parlor Bed & Breakfast and Plain & Fancy Bed & Breakfast, Nostalgic Place in Arcadia and a McDonald's owned by McMike, Inc. These are all businesses located in the Ironton area. I hope they have good books and tax records, because I think that it would be real hard to prove a loss based on this event. How many of you buy a Big Mac in Pilot Knob on your way to Lesterville?
So, is this an indication of how much the Shut-ins and Black River recreation affects the economy of the larger area, or just some folks wanting a piece of the pie?
While I have occasionally stopped at McDonalds in Pilot Knob, I will buy a Big Mac only if there is no buzzard free road kill available.
I would imagine that Barney's would be affected since it sits at the intersection of N and 21. I've stopped there before on my way to the shut-ins. The other businesses might notice a small drop in foot traffic, Like you said, good record keeping would be necessary to prove the impact on sales. Personally, we prefer Baylee Jo's BBQ over fast food.
The real money in these cases is in the Punitive damages. As long as they can prove any damages, the jury can assess damages to punish Ameren for their recklessness.
Half of punitive damages go to the plaintiffs and half goes to the State Tort Victims Compensation fund.
Ameren will have to pay the Punitive Damages out of their pockets, they are not (almost never anyway) covered by insurance.
Never bought a Big Mac in Pilot Knob on the way to BRL. I was saving myself for fried chicken.
I spend money in Arcadia Valley on our way to Lesterville. I try to spend more money in Lesterville to keep their economy healthy.
We used to go every weekend of the summer. But since our portion of the East Fork is trashed, we only spent 2 weekends there this year.
Lesterville businesses have had just as much if not more of a financial loss than Arcadia Valley businesses. The Valley gets a little more traffic through their area.
Many businesses, private land owners, schools, local government, and Mother Nature haven't seen anything yet. It will take years for us to realize the impact that this incident has caused.
A recreational landowner on the East Fork of the Black River
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