Thursday, November 02, 2006

Another Idea

Here is a quote from a letter that the Sierra Club (Ozark Chapter) sent to FERC.

Information on energy use should be included in the educational portion of your
agreement with AmerenUE. This could include suggestions for energy efficiency
specifically tailored for life in Reynolds County or southeast Missouri and may
include such suggestions as ways to keep their cars efficient, furnaces and
appliances efficient, and using fluorescent light bulbs as well as recycling them
safely. Education should also be included about types of altemative energy such as
solar power, wind power, and biofuels. Grants for solar installations may be a boon
for local businesses and home owners.

Yea, I would like to see BRL go solar. It does bother me that I have 30 fluorescent tubes lighting my home and business and there is no where to recycle them. If Wal-Mart sells tubes and batteries they ought to also take them back when they stop working.


At 4:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great way to pay back the folks in Reynolds County, buy them all a 100 watt solar panel to help pay their power bills.


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