Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Here's An Idea

I imagine that a lot of you that read this blog don't read all the comments. With that in mind here is a quote from a comment posted recently about the Ameren fine $$ and how to spend some of it.

Already lots of geology students come every spring and go see Taum Sauk, Silver Mines, and Johnson's Shutins. Lots of these kids are really engineering students taking geology because they get to go on cool field trips.

They need to build an Engineering Disaster Museum. Ideally build it within walking distance of the actual destruction. It would feature exhibits on how they managed to pump the water over the reservoir wall and then also have exhibits about other engineering screwups like the Teton dam, New Orleans levees, etc etc.

I think combined with the geology, it would attract a lot people (money) and maybe help the engineers of the future not be screwups.

Since reading the text of the FERC agreement I have always assumed that some of the $$ would be spent on the little museum up at the Taum Sauk site. I was last in that museum in the spring of 2005 and it was pretty sad how the 1965 exhibits looked after 30 years.


At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You forgot the most famous disaster. Galloping Gertie.


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