Monday, April 30, 2007

No News

I get my local TV news from Cape Girardeau and I was surprised that they paid so little attention to the Kinder Shut-Ins visit. Just about 30 seconds of voice over B roll (stock footage). Surprised because Kinder is from Cape and before getting into politics he was a mover and shaker in Cape, and Cape is a large "small" town. So I think that we can declare the Shut-In story dead. Some in Jeff City may try to keep it alive, but even the St Louis Post, that was a champion of the Black River before December 14, doesn't seem to have the energy to keep this story going.

The Lesterville Relay for Life group held a fund raising dinner and bluegrass evening this past Saturday at the Lesterville school. It was very well attended and I didn't hear anyone talking about the Shut-Ins. A lot has been made about how with the Shut-Ins closed that Lesterville will be losing money. I'm not so sure. If you were camping at the Shut-Ins you probably did not drive to Lesterville. If you were staying in Lesterville and went to the Shut-Ins for the day I doubt that you would cancel your trip to Lesterville because the Shut-Ins are closed, there are a lot of other things to do and see beside the Shut-Ins.

What ever is going on behind closed doors in Jeff City really has little to do with us here in Lesterville. We originally believed DNR when they acted concerned about the clay in the river, but they were not representing us and the truth is that the residents and businesses in Lesterville were never represented at the table where the deals are getting done. I do believe that when the final negotiations are done that AG Nixon probably has a greater interest in the local problem than anyone else. But the local politicians see him as a threat to the status quo. They just want to see the new reservoir built (and I'm not opposed to that idea) and keep the property tax money flowing.

So years from now, the river will still be flowing through the shut-ins and folks will have a good time visiting this wonderful corner of the Ozarks. You will have to look hard to find the bronze plaque with the names Childers, Blunt, ect. This seems like a big deal now but in the long run it is just a minor blip on the seismograph of life. The plants are recovering from the freeze and the hummingbirds are drinking a quart a day. Enjoy

Dueling Press Releases



Kinder Garden

Sounds like Lt. Gov. Kinder is coming this way today to say the same old thing. Wonder if there will be a photo-op of him planting a tree or moving a rock. I won't be there because I'm trying to get the last of my Jay Nixon mugs ready to fire this weekend. Wonder if the Lt. Gov. likes his coffee in a blue or red mug.

Think we need some T shirts that say "Shut Down Shut-Ins".

Friday, April 27, 2007

Got To Love Missouri

Here is part of the new MOHELA bill.

"Notwithstanding any provision of law or policy of a public institution of higher education to the contrary, no public college or university, as defined in section 173.355, shall reject an applicant for a faculty position based solely on the applicant having not earned a graduate degree, provided that the applicant has earned an undergraduate baccalaureate degree and has served for at least eight years in the general assembly."

Thursday, April 26, 2007


This article in the Springfield News-Leader hit a nerve. If you use most of the internet map services and search for Peola Valley Pottery or any Lesterville address, the map will put a star up on Highway U about half way between Lenny's and the Lower Reservoir. For years I could not figure this out, but then I found out that because we don't have real addresses (remember the whole 911 thing) that the software puts a star in the geographical middle of the zip code. So if you use any of these maps to find me you will be about 4 miles north of the pottery.

Back To News

After five days out of the state and off line I'm back to the following news. First, for those of you that live out of state,the Shut-Ins will not be open this summer. I really don't think of this a news, because I don't know anyone locally that thought they would open. Second, here is the latest DNR news release on the continuing tussle between DNR and the Attorney General.

The best news is the hummingbirds are back in the Peola Valley.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

River News

This article slipped by me during my usual searches.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Years before www was used for world wide web is was used by the Order of the Arrow in the Boy Scouts. Twenty years ago I was an adviser to the Ozark Trailbrazers chapter of the Shawnee Lodge out of St. Louis so I'm proud to see that the arrowmen are going to help out at the Shut-Ins.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Spring Flush?

We have had two and a half inches of rain and it's still coming down. The East Fork river gauge it up two feet, so the main river is probably higher. So lets hope that this is a good spring river flush, I'll let you know.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The $5 Million Process

This is from an email that Ameren just sent me.

AmerenUE will provide assistance during project implementation in managing construction and minimizing costs. Each recipient will sign a grant agreement identifying funds approved for each project and describing the scope of work, including itemized activities and any contingencies that must be fulfilled before receiving funding. This document also will spell out processes used for record-keeping and auditing procedures for tracking use of grant funds. At the end of the grant period, each recipient will be required to submit a grant closeout document verifying all expenditures and all work completed

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

What a Surprise !

Here is the entire text of a letter from FERC to Ameren.

We are in receipt of your proposal for allocation of the $5 million Project
Enhancement Fund pursuant to the October 2, 2006 Order Approving Stipulation and
Consent Agreement.
Your proposed recommendations include a broad range of projects that will provide
enhancements to the project area. The enhancements include the development and
improvement of an emergency management system as well as community-based
improvements. The process of selecting the final enhancement projects was well organized
and thorough. The licensee’s recommended enhancement projects, included as Attachments
3 and 4 of its March 21, 2007 letter, meet the requirements of the Stipulation and Consent
Agreement and are approved. The licensee is authorized to immediately begin
implementation of the approved projects.

Letter to the Editor

Glee Suntrup of Bearcat Getaway Campground wrote a letter to the Joplin Independent about the article they published.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Information Please

The following is from a letter that FERC sent to Ameren.

Please provide information on the amount of sediment deposited upstream of the
lower reservoir in the East Fork Black River, in the lower reservoir, and in the river
downstream as a result of the December 2005 breach. Also, please provide any available
information on quantities of sediment that have been removed from these waterways,
specific areas, and any information on quantities of remaining sediment.

Hope that the answer is public.

Come On Down!

A number of the local tourist related businesses is trying to stir up some interest in coming to Lesterville for Mother's Day weekend. This was all started by Twin Rivers Landing. We will be open on Saturday of that weekend. Hate to be the old nay sayer here, but this has never been much of a weekend in the past, because most people want to stay at home with their Mother. But maybe this will start a tradition.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Lake Jeffbegon

Ever realize that all the politicians in Jefferson City are above average?

Strong Stuff

If only part of this story is correct, it is the strongest news article about the Taum Sauk event that I have read, and it's from the Joplin newspaper. Where is every one else.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Is There Any Help Out There?

A friend sent me this link about the problems with 911 systems. About 10% of the Ameren FERC fine is going to be spent on installing enhanced 911 in Reynolds and Iron counties. While I look forward to the increased security that this should bring, there are still long range problems. I was in Springfield this past Tuesday when the voters of Greene County voted to increase the sales tax to support their 911 system, which was overwhelmed and needed new equipment. If the third largest city in the state has problems funding a good system, what will happen in Reynolds County when the Ameren funds run out.

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