Friday, September 01, 2006

10,000 + 65

I got a nice birthday present yesterday. Sometime after noon the 10,000th visitor logged on to this blog. Every week this summer a number of you come into the pottery and said with pride, "I read your blog every day." I keep thinking that the story is going to play itself out, but with the new plans for the Shut-Ins and continuing design work on a new Upper Reservoir there seems to be some news every week. I talked to the owner of a B & B last night and she said that her numbers were down because many of her guests during past summers were people that wanted to go to the Shut-Ins, but didn't want to camp at the park. She did say that she has rented out two rooms long term to employees of Mactec, the firm that is going to rebuild the park. So it will be interesting to see how everybody did in the past summer season.

I received word yesterday that DNR has fixed the "cookie" problem on their recovery page. So if you have not looked at the new plans and given DNR your opinion on the rebuild, please do so.


At 8:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope it was a happy birthday, and many more.



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