Tuesday, November 14, 2006


My dial up service is really slow today. I sometimes think that "Ernestine" (Lilly Tomlin's character from Laugh In) is sitting in Ironton and pluging in my wire so I have service - One ringy dingy - two ringy dingys. Here a a few quotes from an artilce in the Houston paper.

In the United States, we like to think of ourselves as the world's technology leaders, but when it comes to access to broadband services, we're actually well down the path to permanent mediocrity. We were 21st in the world -- right after Estonia.

Many households are hostage to a single broadband provider, and nearly one-tenth have no broadband provider at all.

When I see that 1/10th figure I'm sure they are talking population. If it was geography I'll bet the figure would be over 50% of the country.


At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There may be a new broadband internet provider getting ready to provide service in SE MO called Clearwire. They have a Project Manager position open in SE MO which makes me think they are getting ready to build out a wireless broadband network. www.clearwire.com


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