Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Odds and Ends

First upcoming meetings
April 3 at the Lesterville School - Meeting to discuss restoration of East Fork and future plans for the Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park.
April 18 at the Lesterville School - Regular monthly update on progress at the park and on the river.
April 21 at Farmington (I'll post location when I know it) - Quartly meeting of the Commissioners of the Missouri State Park Advisory Board.

We had a little over an inch of rain last night. The river has not come up any as of this morning. I've had a number of emails asking for a river report. This is not easy. First, the river has been high for a week, its just low enough to see the rocks from the new bridge. Second, although every good rain is going to help clean the river, there is still a lot of clay up in the East Fork and the Lower Reservoir. So each rain also brings more of that material down. It's my gut feeling that each of you are going to play a role in cleaning up the river. When we get a hundred feet out in the river walking around and disturbing the clay that is deposited in the gravel that should help get it moving south. I don't think that being in the river this summer is going to be an unpleasant experience, but I don't think it will be as clear as you remember. I am going to ask that my loyal readers write about their experiece in the river after they come down and I will post these observations for all to read.


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